Montag, 16. Juli 2012


We moved to the States.
We sold out the distro stuff.

We still have some of our own releases. Took the tapes, bagged them and brought them across the ocean. So if someone's interested in our houses in texas - release or in our first two splits, please just stir an email to or leave your email in the comments!

Have a good day!

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

ttt #4 and ttt #5

This is a short report of our latest releases.

We we're lazy a**holes and didn't make a note here.. Sorry.

ttt #4

Normal Police / Earth Chaos
Split Cassette. 2 x C 30. Edition of 25.



Normal Police - Upright Garbage by Tweak Tyme Tapes

Earth chaos - Untitled excerpt by Tweak Tyme Tapes

Buy: HERE or email your order: tweaktyme at yahoo . de

ttt #5

Houses in Texas
C 30. Edition of 25.



Houses In Texas - untitled by Tweak Tyme Tapes

Buy: HERE or email your order: tweaktyme at yahoo . de

And as you see here we've created a soundcloud page for tweak tyme tapes. See you there..

Mittwoch, 4. April 2012

Two to come

There are two more releases coming this month.. I don't know how to spread them in that little time, but if YOU support us and order for yourself plus all of your friends, we should get this thing going, right?

And don't forget to check out all the stuff we have to get rid of before moving to the states HERE!

Dienstag, 6. März 2012

Before we leave

Before we leave germany it seems like we'll finish a new release..

..wonder whats waiting for you!

Freitag, 24. Februar 2012

The last show

After the show is before the show they say. Well, this time I'm sorry to say there is no before. Since we are moving to the states we won't set up shows in germany any more. If we do shows in the U.S.? I don't know. We'll probably put out more tapes. One batch at least before our big move. That's it so far. No, wait.. Here are some pictures from a night with lots of synthesizers, lots of beer and lots of good music and nice people. Thanks for coming!

Cherry graves.

Ghostrider setting up the show.

Padme setting up the show.

Hippie bones and a part of Hering's setup.

Hering und seine sieben Sachen plays under the table.
Unfortunately every picture from then on looked more or less like this:

because I din't wanted to disturb with a flashing camera while the music was playing.. So no pictures of our greek guests this time. We hope they had a good time here in Essen and more nice concerts these days in Bielefeld, Bremen and Mainz... & Good night to you, dear reader!

Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012


Unser nächstes und vorerst letztes Konzert findet schon in weniger als zwei Wochen statt:

Unter dem Motto
werden an diesem Abend
zu Gast sein und das Publikum mit ihren Synthesizern aus der Totenstarre wecken.

Wie immer gibts Bier und Kuchen und die Möglichkeit seine Musiksammlung um ein oder zwei Tapes (etc.) zu erweitern. Also kommt vorbei:

EMO Essen, Julienstr. 39, Rüttenscheid - facebooklink